Meet Adam Toller, a Utah QMP.

Let’s face it, finding a new doctor is hard. Finding a new therapist is even harder. A QMP, in my opinion, is the perfect mix of both. You not only need to be confident in this person’s expertise, knowledge, and skill, but you need to trust them, too. As many of us are still getting used to the idea of legal Medical Cannabis, it can be a bit scary to discuss with a complete stranger. Finding a compassionate, open-minded QMP is imperative to successful Medical Cannabis treatment. To give you the best possible first experience, we want to tell you a bit about our providers. Meet Adam Toller, PA-C, a Utah QMP with Utah Therapeutic Health Center.

utah qmp adam toller qualified medical providerWhat was it that made you want to work as a Utah QMP and join the cannabis industry?

It’s a new frontier that remains largely uncharted and that is exciting to me. I love adventure and stepping into the unknown. If you never do that, you will never grow.

What keeps you here?

I mean, let’s face it, this job is pretty dope. I love my patients and I love to help them. It’s amazing to see patients’ lives improve for the better and I work with the most amazing staff. These guys are seriously the best and I couldn’t do it without them.

Describe in 2 sentences what your role as a Utah QMP does for UTTHC.

First and foremost, I help fulfill patient needs. Second, I help to improve provider training and patient interaction.

Tell us your favorite patient success story at UTTHC.

I would say there was one patient who was involved in a horrific helicopter accident and somehow survived. They suffered multiple injuries and live in chronic pain daily. However, with cannabis, they’re able to complete their daily activities and “live” again. It also helps with their depression and anxiety so they can function. It is pretty amazing what just one medication can do.

Looking back on 2020, how have you seen cannabis affect the world around you?

People seem to be happier and have their lives back. People seem to be able to deal with things better and have better outcomes without overwhelmingly negative side effects. In a word, I would have to say it’s made the world “better.”

Have you had a particular patient whose experience stuck with you?

I remember one patient: a younger woman who was addicted to opioids, alcohol, and heroin. Her life was in shambles and she didn’t have great relationships with those around her because of her addictions. However, her whole life was turned around since being on cannabis. Now it is the only thing she has been taking for almost a year. She was brave to face the stigma and get help. I would encourage others to do the same if they are struggling. We’re here to help!

Who are you outside of work as a Utah QMP?

I am a husband and proud father, and I enjoy spending time mostly with friends and family (when a pandemic isn’t going on and we could visit haha). I also have a passion for cooking and hiking.

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure song, artist, or tv show?

Being a foodie, I have to say that mine would be watching “Good Eats.” I love that show and it’s the show that got me into cooking.

If you could live in any period of history when would it be and why?

Probably the 1800’s. I think it would be exciting to pioneer new frontiers and have vast amounts of land full of beautiful biodiversity and formations.

What book do you recommend to others most often?

I believe in self-growth and so I usually recommend “As a Man Thinketh.” It helps one to realize you are what you think.

Does Adam sound like the perfect QMP for you? Request to see him specifically by calling 801.851.5554 or schedule online. Utah Therapeutic Health Center has clinics all across the valley, so it’s easy to find a location near you. In fact, we’re growing! Keep an eye out for more UTTHC clinics popping up around you later this year. Comment below and let us know where you’d like to see UTTHC’s next clinic location — we’ll go where the people want us! We always try to keep our patients informed, so be sure to regularly check our blog, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for the latest updates. We can’t wait to help you feel better.

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Published March 19, 2021

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