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Have you ever noticed that every visit with your doctor comes with a question about other medications you might currently be taking? There is a reason for that. Doctors always need to be concerned about drug interaction. In some cases, drug interaction can dilute or enhance the effects of a particular medication. Moreover, some drugs just shouldn’t be mixed for safety reasons.

Does all of this apply to Medical Cannabis? Yes. If your primary care physician is not also your Qualified Medical Provider or Limited Medical Provider, they need to know that you use Medical Cannabis. Likewise, it is a good idea to inform your Pharmacy Medical Provider of any other medications you are currently using.

Cannabis and Antibiotics

A big concern people seem to have is that Medical Cannabis could interfere with prescription antibiotics. Some people are concerned that mixing the two is not safe. Let us nix the safety issue right from the get-go. To our knowledge, there have been no reports of dangerous drug interactions between cannabis and antibiotics. No worries there.

Still, there are legitimate concerns the cannabis might dilute the effects of certain antibiotics. This is entirely possible; we just don’t know at this point. Some of the antibiotics that raise concern are clindamycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin. Penicillin and amoxicillin both appear to be unaffected by cannabis.

Cannabis and Other Drugs

Antibiotics are largely benign in terms of their side effects. That is not the case with other drugs. Your doctor might prescribe a medication with a known side effect of making you drowsy. In such a case, using Medical Cannabis along with that other medication could enhance that particular side effect. Remember that THC has a sedating effect in most people.

You should also be careful about using Medical Cannabis alongside prescription opioids. We personally know of people who used cannabis to get themselves off opioids, and that’s good. But doing something like that is always best when there is medical supervision involved. You can get yourself into real trouble by consuming too much cannabis while also taking prescription opioids.

Frank Discussions Are Key

All of this boils down to the realization that it’s entirely possible for cannabis to interact with other medications. We do not have any hard science on the topic because Medical Cannabis is still so new. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we have never heard widespread reports of extremely negative drug interactions.

As a patient, be prepared to have frank discussions with your Qualified Medical Provider and Pharmacy Medical Provider. Both need to know about all the medications you use. This includes over-the-counter drugs. They need to know for the simple fact that drug interactions do occur.

As of now, there do not seem to be any particular safety issues related to using Medical Cannabis alongside other prescriptions. But don’t just assume. Talk things over with your medical providers and give them the opportunity to offer their recommendations.

If a Drug Interaction Occurs

In closing, do not hesitate to report any potential interaction issues to your medical provider. For instance, you may suspect that your Medical Cannabis enhanced the sedating effects of another medication. Your doctor needs to know this. They may decide that it is best to write you a new prescription for a different drug.

Drug interaction is always a concern when doctors write prescriptions. Thankfully, Medical Cannabis doesn’t appear to cause any major interaction issues with the most commonly utilized prescription drugs. If anything on this front changes, we will be sure to let our readers know.

Pay a visit to your Utah Medical Cannabis Pharmacy and you will find strain and product names like Bubba Kush, Fatso, and Purple Afghan Kush. Whatever you do, don’t choose a Medical Cannabis product based solely on its name. Do not get drawn into names to the extent that you believe they tell you something about the effectiveness of the product. They don’t.

Both product and strain names are largely meaningless from a medical standpoint. They mean everything from a marketing perspective, and that’s exactly the point. Manufacturers choose names that will get consumers’ attention. So do growers and processors. They want memorable names that will stick out in the marketplace. But that is as far as they go.

It’s Cannabis Branding

If it helps, think of naming as branding. Imagine you are a Medical Cannabis cultivator here in Utah. You have gone to great lengths to produce a strain completely unlike anything else other cultivators are producing. You want that strain to stand out. So what do you do? You give it a name that people will remember – maybe Mind-Blowing Bonanza of Love.

People would definitely remember that name. But from a medical standpoint, the name tells you very little about what the product can actually do for people. None of this is bad, by the way. Growers and processors need to make money. They need to adopt a business-first mindset if they hope to keep their operations viable. And part of that is branding.

What’s Inside Counts

The number one reason for being ambivalent about strain and product names is this: what is inside the package is more important than the name written on the package. As a Medical Cannabis user, your main concern should be cannabinoid and terpene profiles. It is the cannabinoids and terpenes that provide the relief you are seeking. Product or strain name doesn’t matter much here.

With that in mind, it is very helpful to learn the differences between the three different types of cannabis strains. Type I is THC dominant; Type II is balanced between THC and CBD; Type III is CBD dominant. Each type has its appropriate applications for medical treatment.

Next up, do not forget the terpenes. Terpenes are those volatile compounds that give plants and trees their unique odors. Though the science isn’t quite settled on the mechanisms involved, it does seem that certain terpene profiles can be more effective at treating certain conditions.

Remembering Your Favorites

If we can say one good thing about strain and product names, it is that they help patients remember their favorites. That’s a good thing. If you find a product that works for you, and it has a memorable name, you aren’t likely to forget it. You will be able to walk right up to the Medical Cannabis Pharmacy, tell them what you want, and walk away with your medicine. Easy peasy.

Understand that this is exactly what growers and manufacturers want. That’s why they and their marketing teams pick such interesting names. They want customers to be able to easily remember their favorite products; it is no different than any other industry. Names mean things because they stick in our brains.

Speaking of brains, just use yours in your search for the optimal Medical Cannabis treatment. Do not let yourself be drawn to a particular product because it has a name that appeals to you. The name probably means nothing from a medical standpoint; it is only there for branding purposes. Your concern is strain type, dominant cannabinoid, and terpene profile. Get that right and it won’t matter what a product’s name is.

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