Some Important Things for You to Know about CBD

What is the role of cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis medicine? Some people still aren’t clear about the distinctions between CBD, THC, hemp and other products derived from cannabis plants.

In this article, we’ll highlight some important facts about CBD to help you learn about the compound and consider whether or not it may be of use in your life.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are not sure if CBD is right for your condition. A Qualified Medical Provider (QMP) or Pharmacy Medical Provider (PMP) will be able to help you, or at least recommend other resources to seek.

Hemp and Marijuana Plants

The hemp plant is a type of Cannabis sativa plant with very low levels of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp plants are harvested for their fiber, which can be used to make fabric, rope, and other products. Hemp plants also tend to be higher in cannabidiol than other cannabis plant varieties.

Here’s another interesting fact you might not know – cannabis plants contain more than a hundred cannabinoids. We are just beginning to understand how those other cannabinoids affect human beings. We may someday learn that some of them do a far better job as medicines than CBD or THC. For now, though, CBD and THC are the two “big ones” that get the most attention.

CBD Won’t Get You High

Medical Cannabis pharmacies in Utah sell a variety of products in multiple forms and delivery methods. Some of them are derived primarily from THC; others are derived mainly from CBD. Why the difference? Because THC and CBD affect the brain differently. For instance, CBD will not get you high. It doesn’t affect the brain in the same way THC does.

Before you assume that CBD is a bummer, understand that different qualifying conditions require different medications. Whatever medical condition qualifies you for a Medical Cannabis Card may not be best treated by THC. You might be better served by cannabidiol. That is something for you and your QMP to talk about.

You might also consider the possibility of using both CBD and THC. Plenty of patients do it through a process known as “layering.” They might use a CBD product for one set of symptoms and THC product for another. There is no right or wrong here. Whatever you, your QMP, and your PMP determine is best for your condition is what you go with.

You Can Get CBD Without a Card

Finally, we have saved the best thing for last. Did you know that you can purchase CBD products without a Medical Cannabis Card? A product certified by the state as a CBD product contains less than 0.3% THC. That makes it fully legal under both federal and state law. You don’t need any special card or license to possess or use it.

That being said, you can’t enter a legitimate Medical Cannabis Pharmacy without a card. So if all you need is CBD, you’ll have to buy your products from other retailers. A Medical Cannabis pharmacy cannot serve you.

In closing, we just want to say a brief word about Delta-8. It’s often marketed as CBD when it is, in fact, THC. Be very careful about purchasing Delta-8 products in Utah. They occupy a gray area the legislature hasn’t yet addressed, but that won’t be the case forever.

You now know the basics of CBD. If you’d like to know more, there are plenty of helpful resources online. You can also ask your QMP or PMP if CBD is the right choice for your condition.

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Published October 26, 2021

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